Air & Space
Today Daddy took M & A to the Air & Space Museum with Frank and Addie. By all accounts, they had a great time. They saw "To Fly" and also checked out the planes and rockets, and ate astronaut ice…
Today Daddy took M & A to the Air & Space Museum with Frank and Addie. By all accounts, they had a great time. They saw "To Fly" and also checked out the planes and rockets, and ate astronaut ice…
This morning, I sang some songs to the girls to the tune of "You're a Grand Old Flag"… like this: (To A) "You're my tiny girl, you're my tiny girl… you're the cutest, tiniest girl I know." (We call her Tiny, which…
President Obama made fun of DC today for canceling school due to ice. Yes, another snow day here in DC. It was icy this morning, but by midday it was nothing but wet sidewalks and above-freezing temperatures. Oh well. Girls…
Snow day… no school… girls had a playdate with twins Molly and Eve… wanted to play in snow but decided not to when they got home… watched "Wheel of Fortune"… helped me make zucchini pie for Daddy… A helped me…
What a day! We kicked off the morning at the girls' classroom for the Inauguration Breakfast Ball. There was quite a spread, and all of the kids were dressed up. The highlight was hearing the class sing two songs –…
We had a very busy weekend with the girls. Yesterady, I took them on a bunch of errands which turned out to be pretty fun (in their opinion) – buying a birthday present at the toy store, buying a LOT…
I was Shabbat Mommy today. This means that I went to school at 11 AM, participated in the weekly wine/challah/candle blessings, read the class two books, and went to Shabbat Sing. I also brought a treat for the class –…
The girls' teacher sent us photos from music class today at school. They are small, but you can see M&A in the front of the class. Tomorrow is Friday and I am the Shabbat Parent. I am bringing brownies…
Inauguration Day has come and gone, and what a day it was. We all started out early. The girls and Daddy and I watched the swearing-in from the roof of a law firm downtown that overlooks the Capitol. We were…
I haven't posted in a few days because we have been very busy with the Inauguration and lots of people in town. Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron came on Friday evening, and Darrah and Jason arrived on Saturday. We've been doing…