Categories January 2009

Mishmash Tuesday

Mishmash of stuff today. Today a package came in the mail – the 2009 photo calendars of the girls. I said, "You're going to like what's in here, girls!" M said, eyeing the flat, small package, "Is it the pirate…

Categories January 2009

Art Gallery

As promised, here is some artwork that the girls have done recently. First is a drawing A did of our family:   Next is another drawing by A of people doing gymnastics:   Here is a drawing A did of…

Categories January 2009

Show, Share and Tell

Mondays now have a new significance in the girls' classroom. It is Show, Share and Tell day, in which each kid brings something special from home and tells the class about it. At first, the girls said they wanted to…

Categories January 2009

Disco Fever

Tonight, the girls put my iPod on shuffle and we did a lot of dancing in the house. Well, I broke off to make peppermint meringue cookies (which they said they wanted to help with), and they just kept dancing.…

Categories January 2009

Daddy’s Camp Friends

Daddy had some friends from camp over tonight. They didn't arrive until after 9 PM, and the girls were very tired beforehand. They wanted so badly to stay up and meet everyone (and undoubtedly to perform and show off their…

Categories January 2009

Budding Artists

The girls have been making a tremendous amount of artwork lately. They love to draw and paint, and they can sit for hours at the white table making picture after picture. This poses an archivistic challenge – how much of…

Categories January 2009

Back to School

The girls returned to school today after a two-week absence. They were very excited to go back, and as we walked though the entrance and the halls this morning, they proudly showed off their new watches to every adult they…

Back In The Saddle

Well, we are officially back. The weekend was a typical DC weekend – a birthday party today (Aidan M. turned 5), a puppet show at the Kennedy Center, lunch at the Hoffmans' yesterday, and the usual slew of errands and meals…