Categories December 2008

I’m Back

I haven't been posting here lately, which is unlike me. I can't really explain why, except that I just sort of lost my motivation for it. I've been really busy with work, but that doesn't usually stop me from posting.…

Categories December 2008

Report on the Girls

I received the following email from a friend today: Went to [the girls' school] this morning for a tour and we went into your girls' classroom and they were adorable and happily playing and one of them (sorry I know they…

Categories December 2008

My Birthday

Today A was the Announcer at school. That means she gets to say things like, "Jessie, you're the line leader today!" really loud. Except she calls it "the Renouncer". Tonight M had a little ring, and I asked her where…

Categories November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Highlights from our Thanksgiving 2008: This morning Daddy and the girls watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV while I stupidly ran the Turkey Chase 10K in Bethesda without having run for a few weeks. I spent the rest of…

Categories November 2008

Pilgrim Hats

Today the girls had their Thanksgiving celebration at school. They had a "feast", and both tell me that don't like cranberry sauce and the "stuff with the marshmallows on it". They also made Pilgrim Hats, which they modeled tonight:    …

Categories November 2008

Class Dinner

Mommy is too tired to post much tonight. Highlights from today: 1) We had Grampy over for brunch to celebrate his birthday. The girls performed several medical exams on him. Apparently he's doing quite well for someone whose temperature is…

Categories November 2008

Supersize Photo

Here is a photo of the girls at my office yesterday:   I have no idea why it came out so big, but since this is a short post, I will leave it as is! Busy Saturday. Drama class, playdate at Charlotte's, Trader Joe's,…

Categories November 2008

Hello TMG!

The highlight of today was that I brought the girls to my office this afternoon for no other reason than that it was fun. Here's what we did: 1) caught up with Christina; 2) used the potty; 3) did a lot…