Categories December 2008

Notes From The Teachers

We got notes about the girls at their conferences on Friday. Here's what they said: "A comes down the hall cheerfully, ready to start her day in the room. She really responds well to the classroom routine. She likes the…

Categories December 2008

Weekend Tally

What a weekend! Here’s a tally: Number of playdates: 2 (Jessie today and Hannah/Andrew yesterday) Types of cookies made: 2 (potato chip and caramel crumble) Parties attended: 1 (today at Peter H.’s) Babysitters: 1 (Buppie, last night – thank you!)…

Categories December 2008

Conference Day

Today was Conference Day at M&A's school. I took a lot of notes. A: A's teachers say she is loving, thougtful, and comes to class with a big smile. She makes a lot of eye contact with them, and is…

Categories December 2008

Chevy Volt Post

 This is for you TMGers reading the blog: Tonight, we were watching "Wheel of Fortune", as we do every night. As usual, I fast forwarded through the commercials. I went through a few groups of commercials, including one with a Chevy ad in…

Categories December 2008

Under the Weather

I am not feeling too well tonight… hopefully it is nothing that will linger, as Daddy is taking off tomorrow for several nights! Daddy went to ballet class today – a special treat for the girls. I started a new…

Categories December 2008

A Boat To California

The girls had dentist appointments this morning. A had to get her teeth cleaned, and M had a cavity filled. When we first got there, Daddy wasn't there yet, so I went back and forth between the two rooms. I…

Categories December 2008

I’m Back

I haven't been posting here lately, which is unlike me. I can't really explain why, except that I just sort of lost my motivation for it. I've been really busy with work, but that doesn't usually stop me from posting.…

Categories December 2008

Report on the Girls

I received the following email from a friend today: Went to [the girls' school] this morning for a tour and we went into your girls' classroom and they were adorable and happily playing and one of them (sorry I know they…

Categories December 2008

My Birthday

Today A was the Announcer at school. That means she gets to say things like, "Jessie, you're the line leader today!" really loud. Except she calls it "the Renouncer". Tonight M had a little ring, and I asked her where…