Home Improvement Day
I am slowly trying to get the girls’ room into shape. Today was a jaunt to Gaithersburg to get: 1) a new night stand that matches their beds (clearance for only $99 – score!); 2) a lamp – I found…
I am slowly trying to get the girls’ room into shape. Today was a jaunt to Gaithersburg to get: 1) a new night stand that matches their beds (clearance for only $99 – score!); 2) a lamp – I found…
Short post tonight. Cranky girls – especially M. I aimed for an 8:15 bedtime but due to fussing and lots of stalling by A, I didn’t have them in bed til 8:36. And then M was so tired that she…
M&A have been fighting a lot lately over things like who gets to be first getting in/out of the bathtub, who gets into the car first, who gets to go first up the stairs, etc. It is very tiresome and…
Fun day at home – saw a lot of the girls. I took them to school and picked them up, was home most of the afternoon, and had a lovely evening with them too. M told me today that at…
I am back from my weekend of cruising! It was a lot of fun, and I had a good time meeting some other moms, but I am happy to be back. The girls were so deliciously cute when they came…
Lately, the girls have been fighting over things more than they used to. "She had this first," "I wanted to sit there," "She won’t let me have that marker," etc. etc. etc. It’s very draining. We’re working on sharing, but…
First of all – oh happy day!!! Obama won! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Hope is restored. In other election news, Apple won over Banana, 25-16. Finally, here are some more photos from the weekend. Tequila came to our hotel to see Buppie and…
The girls had a double lesson in democracy today. First, they came with me to vote this morning. I did a paper ballot (electronic line was too long) and had to fill in the narrow line to designate my choice.…
Toward the end of Darrrah’s wedding, M turned to me and said, "When I get married, I want it to be right here. In this room. Do you promise me? I will marry Jessica right here." Then tonight, we were…
We are home! We had a great weekend in Brooklyn celebrating Darrah and Jason’s wedding. I will put some photos up here as soon as I can. The girls were beautiful flower girls and the weekend was a ton of…