Categories October 2008

M’s Memory

I often say that M has an amazing memory. Here are two things she remembered recently. FIrst, when we auditioned the babysitter on Monday night, she had a raincoat on. M looked at her, saw what she had on under…

Categories October 2008

Marathon Day

Marathon day. First up was Pajama Day at school. The girls were very excited to wear their pajamas to school – M wore the ones that say "Daddy’s Little Chickadee" and A’s were glow-in-the-dark skeleton pajamas. They were especially excited…

Categories October 2008

I’m Tired Already

Here’s what’s on the agenda for tomorrow: 9:15 School dropoff 11:15 Pick M up at school 11:30 M dentist appointment 2:00 M & A flu (non)shot appointment 4:00 Ballet 6:00 Pajama party in Bethesda to raise money for girls’ school…

Categories October 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Today we carved two pumpkins – A’s orange pumpkin and M’s green pumpkin. They turned out great – photos at the end of the post. We also roasted pumpkin seeds, thanks to Christina’s recipe and instructions. The girls had a…

Categories October 2008

Rainy Day

It is a very rainy afternoon. We are sitting on the couch watching "The Little Mermaid". A likes it but M is scared. She has had her hands over her ears for most of the movie. This morning we went…

Categories October 2008

Friday Night

I was home today and got to see a lot of the girls. They wore very cute outfits today – A wore a brown polka dot dress with pink tights, and M wore jeans again (!) and a pink top…

Categories October 2008

Catch-up Post

Sorry that I have missed a few nights of posts. Too sleepy to post before midnight both nights. But all is well. News in our house: M’s ballerina costume from eBay arrived last night. She was very excited. Some new…

Categories October 2008

Will You Marry Me?

Tonight M said that she wanted to marry me. I told her that I was already married to Daddy, and that she will most likely find someone else to marry. She said, "Who?" I said it would be someone really…

Categories October 2008

Stream of Consciousness

Yesterday on the way to drama class, the girls engaged in a hysterical free association session. Here are the topics they covered in a 10-minute stretch: How much M loved the waterslides we went to in Seattle. We discussed which…