A Few More Funny Things
On Monday, Aunt Darrah added a comment to the blog that noted that M looks like her cousin Sarah in some of the soccer photos. Well, last night, the girls and I were scrolling through the blog, and M said,…
On Monday, Aunt Darrah added a comment to the blog that noted that M looks like her cousin Sarah in some of the soccer photos. Well, last night, the girls and I were scrolling through the blog, and M said,…
Ok, so today the girls said/did several funny things both when they woke up and as soon as I got home from work, and I wrote them down! First, I got out of the shower and heard through the monitor…
And…. we’re back. I had a lovely few days in Portland. I got to see some family – Aunt Ann and our cousins Jan and Mike. They were lovely and kind and went out of their way for me. Many…
Today was the girls’ first day of soccer! They did great. A wanted to stop and hang out with me a few times, but I made her get back in the group, and she did fine. They have some friends…
We’ve had no naps since last week. At first it was resulting in a less prolonged bedtime. But tonight, it’s 10:12, and the girls are still up, claiming they can’t sleep. Not good. Last night the girls got up in…
Daddy did the triathlon this morning! It was a tough day. First of all, it was extremely hot. Mid-90s, which is unusual for DC in Sept. Not ideal for a race of any sort. Second, he got a flat tire…
I fell asleep before I could blog last night. Too tired. So… Friday? What happened? I went to a book reading with some friends last night and Buppie came over to babysit. I can’t remember much else from yesterday! A…
Tonight we drove Imogene to her church choir rehearsal after I got home from work. The girls wanted to go in, so we did, and hung out for a while during the rehearsal. A grabbed a hymnal and said, "I…
The girls had their first full day of school today. They did great! No clinging, no tears. They immediately engaged with the teachers and the kids and barely looked back when we left. We are so proud of them! Imogene…
The girls did great on their first day of school. No tears, no clinging, just happy faces. (Though I did get a call tonight from one of their teachers about a collision M had on the playground today – which…