Categories April 2008

Two Memorable Anecdotes

Tonight, M said to me, "Mommy, I love you the mostest. You are my best friend." A overheard this and said, "But what about me?" And M said, "A, I definitely love you. You are my sister." A came downstairs…

Categories April 2008

Passover I and II

It is 11:30 on Sunday night… Passover weekend. We had the first seder last night with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron and Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason, as well as Frank/Peyton/Addie/Sam and Nancy. M&A did a wonderful job of doing…

Categories April 2008

A Stays Home

A didn’t go to school today! She woke up very congested and coughing and was so unhappy this AM that she started sobbing. I asked her if she wanted to stay home from school and she nodded. So she and…

Categories April 2008

A Post About M

The last two posts were about A, so here are some observations about M: M has an amazing memory. I told her Daddy’s cell phone number once, and she remembered it ten minutes later and still does. M loves to…

Categories April 2008

A = Left Brain (II)

More on A’s creativity. Today, we went to the playground after ballet. A went on one of those rocking animal rides and kept saying "Blast off! I am going to outer space!" Then she ran around the playground andsaid that…

Categories April 2008

A = Left Brain

Creative things A has done lately: Using my hand towel this morning, she wrapped it up like a present, then turned it into a puppet show curtain and put it over her head and became a theater. She put her…

Categories April 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth

What. A. Weekend. Birthday parties: 2. Abigail’s – a moonbounce in her backyard, only girls from the class. Lily’s – gymnastics, whole class. Gifts: Abigail: Brown Bear What Do You See board game; Lily: Toobers and Zots. Classes: Gymnastics and…

Categories April 2008

SAHM Friday

Imogene had today off so I was a SAHM. I picked the girls up from school after going to the Shabbat Sing. (The cutest part of the Sing is when they sing Shabbat Shalom – they start out quiet, all…

Categories April 2008

Gearing Up for The Weekend

We have a very busy weekend coming up – two birthday parties, gymnastics, ballet, and… the circus! Tomorrow Imogene has the day off and I am going to take the girls for haircuts and maybe for new sandals. We’ve had…