Florida Day 2
What a long, full day! This morning, we went on an animal tour – almost two hours long. We saw cheetahs, giraffes, horses, rhinceroses (stinky!), ducks, deer, and many other animals. One of the best parts was meeting a 6…
What a long, full day! This morning, we went on an animal tour – almost two hours long. We saw cheetahs, giraffes, horses, rhinceroses (stinky!), ducks, deer, and many other animals. One of the best parts was meeting a 6…
We are safely in Florida. The trip went just fine – the girls were great and very easy. A didn’t cry going through security like she used to, which was a relief. They mostly watched the DVD player on the…
We are leaving for Florida tomorrow. We’ll be there for 4 days – three of them at a conference facility where Daddy has a conference and one at a nice hotel in Amelia Island, where we’ve never been. We’ve done…
When I got home from work tonight, M came over to me with one of her tutus in her hand. She showed me some strange crusty holes on the tutu and said, "Look Mommy." I asked her what happened, and…
Today Imogene called me at work to say that there had been a little bit of an accident at the playground; M had accidentally kicked A in the mouth while swinging her legs at the top of a slide. At…
When we got home from dinner tonight, M looked at me, sighed, and said, "I’ve had a long day." She’s right. First, the girls woke up early (7:50). Then it was upstairs to wake up Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron.…
Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron came down for a last-minute visit today. The girls were so surprised when we told them Grandma and Grandpa were coming! They arrived around 6 and we had a lovely dinner. R&D have already read…
The girls are still talking about the woman on stilts that we saw at the Purim party today. A said, "I know where she lives! The Washington Monument!" With the exception of bedtime tonight, when A got mad at Daddy…
Tonight I came home early from work to take the girls to Purim dinner and the megillah reading at the temple. It was… ok. The dinner was too crowded and we sat on the floor. A ate a hot dog…
Funny things the girls have said since waking up 30 minutes ago: M: Why do you have to be quiet in the library? I don’t want to be quiet in the library. A: I want to talk, like this. M:…