Categories March 2008

Playground Mishap

Today Imogene called me at work to say that there had been a little bit of an accident at the playground; M had accidentally kicked A in the mouth while swinging her legs at the top of a slide. At…

Categories March 2008

Visitors from NY

Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron came down for a last-minute visit today. The girls were so surprised when we told them Grandma and Grandpa were coming! They arrived around 6 and we had a lovely dinner. R&D have already read…

Categories March 2008

Happy Purim

Tonight I came home early from work to take the girls to Purim dinner and the megillah reading at the temple. It was… ok. The dinner was too crowded and we sat on the floor. A ate a hot dog…

Categories March 2008

Early Morning Post

Funny things the girls have said since waking up 30 minutes ago: M: Why do you have to be quiet in the library? I don’t want to be quiet in the library. A: I want to talk, like this. M:…

Categories March 2008

Am I A Moron?

We have tried, unsuccessfully, to take the girls to the movies about four times. The very first time, it was "Flushed Away," and they made it through the whole movie. The second, third, fourth and fifth times – "Happy Feet",…

Categories March 2008

Saturday Spelling

Busy Saturday! The girls woke up early today – around 7. We had oatmeal, and then Daddy took them to gymnastics so that I could run some errands (including setting up A’s old crib at our friend Matt’s house –…

Categories March 2008

Friday Babysitter

Tonight, we had a babysitter – Abby, who is home from college for a week. The girls were very excited that she was coming over. She always brings fun things to do with the girls – tonight, she brought ingredients…