M Goes to the Doctor

M has woken up the past two mornings with sticky eyes and green gunk all over them. I know that oozy eyes can be a symptom of something else, so I took her to the doctor this afternoon after nap.…

M & A Get Ready For a Trip

We had a very busy night at home when I got home from work! First, the girls informed me that they are going on a trip tomorrow. Only one night, via airplane, to California. I asked them how they were…

The Pre-Bedtime Game

The pre-bedtime game that we started a few nights ago has taken on a life of its own. Now, every night before bed, we play the "It’s too bad that… _______ happened today," where _______ is something that didn’t happen.…

Super Bowl Sunday

We watched a little bit of the Super Bowl tonight. At first, M said that she wanted to play football when she was 10. Then, after there was an injury in the game, she decided she didn’t want to play…

Representing the United States…

Today was the last day of the session at gymnastics. This meant that after the girls’ regular class, there was a medal ceremony.  Daddy and I both missed the medal ceremony for the fall session because we were out of…

Categories January 2008


I learned a tough lesson last night: don’t tempt fate. On Tuesday, after the playdate when Aidan had the stomach flu, I told the girls that except for once when M was about six months old, the girls had never…

Categories January 2008

Ballet Class

Typepad was down last night so I couldn’t post. Yesterday was my day at home, so I was able to go with the girls to ballet class. There was a special surprise waiting for them at class… Buppie! She took…

Categories January 2008


When I got home tonight, I presented the girls with two new toothbrushes – one red and one blue. I asked who wanted which one. M said, "Which one do you want me to have?" (Awwww.) A said, "I want…