OK, I Will End The Suspense…

At least one reader has emailed me to find out what happened last night. Did the girls stay in my bed? Did they sleep quietly until I moved them, seamlessly, to their room, at 1 AM? Did they then continue…

Tough Questions

Happy first night of Hanukah! Two memorable things from today – one funny and one serious. Funny: I came home from running some errands, and M said, "We’re playing Sneak and Hide with Sammy and Rachel!" (Sammy and Rachel are…

End of an Experiment

So, I’m a sucker. Tonight, I told the girls they could sleep in my bed again. Daddy is gone for a few nights and I thought it would be fun for them. They’ve been asking every night since Friday whether…

Weekend Update

Busy weekend, as always. Gymnastics. Errands. Cupcakes. Brunch at a friend’s. Playdate with Addie. All in all, the girls were in great moods this weekend and cuter than ever. Smiley and laughing a lot, saying funny things. Affectionate with us…

Categories November 2007

Slumber Party

Busy Friday. This morning, I was the Shabbat parent at the girls’ class. That means that I brought a yummy treat for the class (mini cupcakes), sat with M & A while they sang the blessings on the candles, "wine"…

Categories November 2007

Best Birthday!

Today was my birthday. I had a really nice day – nothing exciting, just a regular day. Got the girls up. Went to work. After work, Buppie came over and brought dinner. Daddy came home early and made a cake…

Categories November 2007

Mommy’s New Toy

I didn’t get to post last night, thanks to a ridiculous air traffic control decision that forced me to land at a different airport from the one I had taken off from the day before. I arrived home 4 hours…

Categories November 2007

Sunday Playdate

This morning, we had a lovely Sunday morning playdate with two girls from M & A’s class and their moms. They stayed for lunch – mac and cheese, hotdogs, and carrots/hummos (see, it’s not all unhealthy!) and headed home around…

Categories November 2007

Juice Box

This morning, we went to see two photography exhibits – Annie Leibovitz and Ansel Adams. Annie Leibovitz was good, but this is what I remember of the Ansel Adams exhibit: "Can I have a juice box? Can I have a…