Categories September 2007

Gimme Three Steps

I wasn’t able to post yesterday, so I have two days of stories and funny comments saved up for tonight’s blog. A wasn’t feeling well when I got home last night and also this morning, so she stayed home from…

Categories September 2007


I came home from work tonight to the saddest sight: M on the couch, cheeks red, droopy eyes. She had a fever of 101.8 and didn’t want to do anything except cry or watch Clifford and the dreaded Barney. Poor…

Categories September 2007

Halloween is Coming

We have spent a lot of time tonight discussing what the girls want to be for Halloween. As I reported yesterday, we had an Oscar the Grouch (A) and a kangaroo (M). Tonight, it was Oscar the Grouch for both.…

Categories September 2007

Telling Time

We had another great playdate today with M and A’s dear friends O and A (again, using initials for privacy). The kids all lunched alfresco in the backyard and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Here are some photos, which also include…

Categories September 2007

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. The girls did just fine. M decided that she liked her teacher after all, which was a relief. Tonight, when she was in the bath, she told me that she didn’t want me…

Categories September 2007

Up and Back

We went to Detroit today! We flew up this morning – M, A, Grandma S and me – and came back tonight. It was a long day but a lot of fun. We saw Great-Grandma Gussie and her extended family…

Categories September 2007

Busy Weekend Ahead

We have a very busy weekend coming up! Tomorrow, we are going to gymnastics in the morning and have plans to see various people throughout the day. Then Christina and Mikey are coming over around dinner to babysit so that…

Categories September 2007

Open House

We had the open house at the girls’ school today. It wasn’t exactly a resounding success. M was very shy and clingy when we got there, and didn’t seem happy to see her friends from last year (with the exception…

Categories September 2007

New School Year

Tomorrow is the open house for M and A’s new class. They will be Leapfrogs, and they will be in school M, W and F mornings. We will meet their new teachers and see their new classroom. Good news: all…