Missing the Girls

I was in Boston for a night for work and returned this afternoon. I missed the girls a lot, and I heard they missed me too. It was very nice to see them when I got home – they came…

Back to School Night

I was very tired last night and didn’t get a chance to post, so here is a post for 2 days. Last night was Back to School Night at the girls’ school. I love BTSN – I love seeing where…

Things That Are Sticky

Tonight, the girls and I had a long discussion about Things That Are Sticky and Things That Are Soft. Sticky: lollipop, candy, syrup, jello, stickers, glue, tape, honey, popsicle, ice cream Soft: cotton candy, blankie, baby, piggy and bunny, pillow,…

We’re Home

We returned from Florida this afternoon. I still haven’t uploaded the photos from the weekend, so no animals up here yet. But we had a lot of fun seeing the animals and hanging out with friends. The girls did so…

Report from Florida

We are in White Oak, Florida at a conference center while Daddy has his foreign policy meeting. The place is amazing – built on many many acres, with a whole wildlife preserve stocked with exotic animals. The girls have been…

Off to Florida

Tomorrow, we leave for Florida for a few days. M, A and I are joining Daddy for a conference he’s attending there. We’re staying at a conference center that also has an animal reserve – should be fun! Hopefully there…

Red Jello!!

When I walked in the door from work tonight, M came upstairs from the basement and was very excited. She said, "Mommy, come here! Look at this. I need to show you something." She walked to the fridge and said,…

Categories September 2007

Apples Apples Everywhere

Sunday night. Busy weekend. Today we went apple picking. We met up with Sarah/Hannah/Andrew and Amy/Sofia/Virginia, and Aunt Tequila, who is visiting from NY, also joined us and was very helpful with the picking. The girls picked many, many, many…

Categories September 2007

Pair of Witches

I like to sing silly songs to the girls. Usually I take existing songs and change the words. The best part is when the girls sing the song back to me later – they of course think that my words…