N’s Class Presentation
Girls are in the full swing of school. A went to a Sidwell soccer game today (tied) and to Robek's after school. M has done battle with one teacher already – and won! Last week, N had to do a…
Girls are in the full swing of school. A went to a Sidwell soccer game today (tied) and to Robek's after school. M has done battle with one teacher already – and won! Last week, N had to do a…
Today was Grandparents Day at CCES. This morning, lots of grandparents from N's homeroom logged on and talked about what they loved about their grandchildren and what lessons they would share with 4th graders. N was well-represented, with all of…
Oh boy, it's been a week. I haven't posted in a really long time because we've just had so much going on here. Since last Sunday (!) when I posted about Annapolis, here's what has happened… M&A started school. They…
Today we spent the day in Annapolis. We had lunch at the Spectors' new house out there, which is so lovely. Dad and I did some kayaking/SUP-ing on the river while N and A played The Show with Jack. Afterwards…
The girls have decorated their car with lots of chalk markers, which is a senior year tradition. It looks very cute. Meanwhile N finished his first week of school. Sounds like everything went well, though we get little information…
N's second day of school was good today. Here is what his backpack looks like this year. Grampy helped me move most of the keychains over from the old backpack to the new one (to save my nails) and they…
Today was N's first day of school. The short report: he likes his teacher (she seems nice), there aren't a lot of kids in his class that he thinks he will be friends with other than Ayan, he ate lunch…
We returned from our trip on Friday and it is now Sunday. A lot has happened since we returned, but I want to make sure I cover the end of the trip. During our second full day in Paris, we…
We returned from our trip on Friday and it is now Sunday. A lot has happened since we returned, but I want to make sure I cover the end of the trip. During our second full day in Paris, we…
Yesterday we spent the morning in the Loire Valley and then drove to Paris late in the day. The morning was good – we had a nice lunch in Amboise (crepes!) and then toured the chateau. The rooms aren't anything…