Trip Update #3: France
Here is trip update #3. Internet has been really spotty the last few days so this will be quick. We are writing from the Loire Valley. We got here yesterday after spending the morning at Mt. St. Michel. Even though…
Here is trip update #3. Internet has been really spotty the last few days so this will be quick. We are writing from the Loire Valley. We got here yesterday after spending the morning at Mt. St. Michel. Even though…
We are now in France! We drove here yesterday after our last morning in Amsterdam, which we spent taking a boat around the canals. The ride was great- relaxing and interesting to see things from a different perspective. Then we…
Here is update #1 from our trip. We had an easy flight and travel to Amsterdam. The flight was pretty empty so we could all stretch out, our bags made it, we made it, the weather was fine and we…
We leave tomorrow! Tonight was spent packing and cramming things into suitcases and organizing and blah blah. Flight is at 2:30; we will leave for the airport at around noon. Also, we are all covid negative as of today. Let's…
This was our last weekend in town before our trip to Europe on Tuesday. We spent it running errands, seeing some friends and generally getting ready to go. Nate will start school the Monday after we are back, so we…
Here are all of the games that N has played this week at the sports / games camp: handball fencing dodgeball nerf guns laser guns capture the flag soccer basketball frisbee golf ultimate frisbee And here at the boys at…
Lucky had chemo this morning and then his annual wellness check. His vet told me that Lucky looks great and that if he hadn't already known Lucky had lymphoma, he wouldn't have been able to tell. Here is the cute…
Classic: it hasn't rained in a really long time, but today it rained during the exact window of time that N was at a swimming half birthday party for Jackson. Poor kids. It's also very, very hot here so the…
This was the last weekend we are all in town before our vacation, and N goes back to school right after the trip. Hard to believe summer is winding down! Today the girls had brunch with Grampy at Silver and…
Guest post from Maddie!!! — This past weekend with Grandma & Grandpa at Twin Lakes was such a blast! Our first time at the lake in exactly a year, and our first time inside their house in two years! This trip certainly felt like…