Categories July 2021

July Weekend

We've hit that part of the summer that feels like deep summer, not the start and not the end. A's program ended on Friday, which she is sad about because she enjoyed the kids a lot. Sounds like the content…

Categories July 2021

Back from SD

I am back from California. I was in San Diego for a few nights, and got to go to a Padres Nats game yesterday: N got a Padres tshirt as a souvenir. Everyone here is fine. M is working hard…

Categories July 2021

Granola Bars Be Free

I am en route to San Diego for work right now. Will be gone for 3 nights. This morning, Daddy and I were getting N ready for camp. Dad asked him if he wanted his snack (granola bar) to be…

Categories July 2021

Happy 4th!

Today is the 4th of July! We stayed close to home and had Dad's SRAP friends over. He made an amazing flag cake. It was very time consuming but it turned out really well. Nice job! Here is the group:…

Categories July 2021

Summer Nights

A few interesting nights since I last posted. Monday night, we went to go visit Maggie! She's doing great. She remembered N and jumped all over him and A and me. She's outside a lot, loves running in the woods…

Categories June 2021

Baseball Pics

Check out these great pics from a dad from N's baseball team. I LOVE the purple unis! Also this sweet note from his teacher on his birthday: He is too sweet. Every other student reminds you it's their birthday weeks…

Categories June 2021

Swim Party

Tonight we had the end of year swim party for N's baseball team. We had a nice crowd (a few boys couldn't make it) and they hung out here from 6-8:30 or so. So cute. Meanwhile A worked for several…

Categories June 2021

Summer Routine

We are settling into a summer routine. M has her Chinese from 7-10 every night, so she comes down and eats when she's done. (She just ate and it's 10:24). A, meanwhile, has her program from about 12-4 or 5.…