Categories June 2021

Safeway Errand

Today A had to get some blood work done at CMG. She was NOT happy about it, but she did a great job. She was very happy when it was over. 🙂 It is very nice having the girls able…

Categories May 2021


We are all back in the house! A and I returned from Pittsburgh around dinnertime, M came home midday (and promptly went to the Zoo) and N had a busy day of baseball and spending time with Grandma Sandy. But…

Categories May 2021

Last Softball Game

Today was M's last softball game of the year. Daddy, N and I went to watch. Sadly, they  ended up winless for the year. But they got outside every day and played and had a normal-ish season, so that was…

Categories May 2021

N’s Covid Trial

Today was a big day in our house. N is participating in a covid vaccine trial! He got a half dose of Moderna vaccine today, and will get another dose in a month. He will be tracked carefully in a…

Categories May 2021

Elder Wisdom

Two examples of the kids repeating things they learned from their grandparents: Yesterday A was giving a piano lesson to Bella, and she said that she learned from Grandma Sandy that whenever there is a beat of three notes (3/4…

Categories May 2021

Weekend Wrapup

Weekend wrapup: N had a great baseball game yesterday. They had a rematch with the Sidwell team that beat them 2 weeks ago (which wasn't fair bc they didn't get to play the bottom of the inning), and they won…

Categories May 2021


Tonight, N fell into the pool. He was going outside to go in the trampoline (we play catch every night with bouncy balls with him in the trampoline and me outside) and somehow he fell in. I was in the…