Author: Gayle
Mother’s Day!
Today was Mother's Day! We celebrated with a fun dinner at Surfside with Grandma Sandy. We forgot to take a pic of the moms, but she took one of the kids. The kids made adorable cards for both of us.…
M&A 17th Birthday!
It has been a two day celebration of the girls' 17th birthday! Yesterday, they woke up to the customary breakfast in bed. Dad made pancakes in the shape of "1 7" and served them on a tray, with fresh coffee/hot…
Weekend Wrapup
Daddy and N went to the Nats game today. They caught a good one! Complete game by Max, 3-1 (was a shutout til the second out of the 9th). It was very hot but they had a good time. Here…
Pollution Video
N has done a project on pollution over the last few weeks, and for his final project he created a video about ways in which he is working to help reduce pollution at home. Here it is: And here…
Oof – second vaccine yesterday and I really felt it today. Didn't leave my room most of the day. On the plus side we had sod put in all over the front lawn and it looks great. And it was…
The Weekend By The Numbers
The weekend by the numbers: Score of N's baseball game on Saturday: 18-7 (they won; he had two singles and stole home) Cost of N's overpriced ice cream cone from the ice cream truck post game: $7 Nats' record this…
Parent’s Brain
N has had some fun plans the last two days. Yesterday Cole came over and they played a game where they listed the alphabet A-Z and had to come up with a Survivor player whose name starts with each letter…
Today we discovered a new baseball fan in the house: Maggie. She LOVES chewing up baseballs. We gave her two old ones – one real baseball and one of N's training baseballs. She chewed them both up within the hour.…