Categories April 2021

Bike Rides

N and I have resumed our nightly tradition of a bike ride around the neighborhood when I finish work. It is truly a highlight of my day. All three kids were home today, as N and M were off school…

Categories April 2021

Easter Sunday

Today felt like the first day of spring. I got some stuff accomplished and it was a gorgeous day. -dahlia bulbs planted -N's bike tires inflated -read a chapter of Harry Potter outside with N -M is home -Easter Egg hunt…

Categories April 2021

April Fool’s Day

It wasn't the MOST festive AFD in history here at the house, but we did enough to make it feel a little special. I moved a bunch of stuff around in N's bathroom this AM, and then this afternoon I…

Categories March 2021

College Tour Day 2

Today we took a day trip to Princeton and Penn. It was a gorgeous, warm day and both schools looked absolutely beautiful. We had a great tour guide in Princeton – Shelby! – and she really showed us around. At…

Categories March 2021

Lucky’s New Bedroom

After years of trying to get Lucky to sleep in his room, Nate is finally succeeding. Perhaps because he is trying to avoid Maggie, Lucky is happily sleeping on N's floor the whole night long. How cute are these pics?…

Categories March 2021


M got the NSLI-Y Scholarship! She will be going to Taiwan this summer for 6 weeks! We are so excited for her and proud of her. She's going to have a great time and learn so much. And to get…