Categories March 2021

Spring Break Monday

Lazy Spring Break Monday! Not much was accomplished by the girls today… but that's OK. We have some college tours (ish) later in the week. Tomorrow A will accompany me to get Maggie to the vet, a challenge to do…

Categories March 2021

Weekend Wrapup

Because the girls get tested regularly at school, as do their friends, we let them have two friends spend the night here this weekend – Charlotte (Friday( and Hanako (yesterday). It was so nice having them in the house and…

Categories March 2021

Spring Break for M&A

We made it to Friday! M&A are on Spring Break – yay! And N finished the first back at in-person school. He has been pretty tired at night this week – I think it is a jolt to his system…

Categories March 2021

Happy Birthday Lucky!

Today is Lucky's birthday! I wish we could say that we did lots of great things for him, got him doggie ice cream, etc., but that would not be true. Instead, we got him a 32 point pit-hound mix who…

Categories March 2021

Day 2

N reported that Day 2 of school was better than Day 1, mostly because of recess. The class got to have races around the track today, which was apparently a lot of fun. Tomorrow he's home – regular Wednesday virtual…

Categories March 2021

N Back At School!

Today was N's first day at school in 367 days. Amazing. He took the bus – 4 kids on the bus, all 3rd graders bc 4th and 5th aren't back yet – and got to see his old bus driver…

Categories March 2021

Poorly Timed Outage

Rough morning this AM: I woke up early to get M up for the SAT. I realized quickly that the power was out. When I got M up, she asked if her entrance ticket had printed the night before. I…

Categories March 2021

M Is A Semifinalist!

I haven't posted in a while, mostly because nothing terribly exciting is happening. It has been a very long week of… the usual. The main excitement is that N is going back to school on Monday, in person. Tonight we…

Categories March 2021


N and I did two adventures this weekend. Yesterday we drove to the Mormon Temple, the one that you see when you're heading west on the Beltway and that signifies that you're almost home. We couldn't get very close to…