Valentine’s Day 2021
Today was a grey, wet Valentine's Day. Dad made sugar cookies in the shape of a heart N and I brought flowers to Nana N and I brought chocolate to Grandma Sandy M had Valentine's Day with Phoebe A woke…
Today was a grey, wet Valentine's Day. Dad made sugar cookies in the shape of a heart N and I brought flowers to Nana N and I brought chocolate to Grandma Sandy M had Valentine's Day with Phoebe A woke…
Today A got a head shot! Very exciting. She will have many options to choose from – about 100+ images – and will get 25 watermarked photos and 2 retouched ones. I think she enjoyed it!
N finished his art class yesterday. He took it for 6 weeks and really liked it a lot (even though now he is backpedaling and saying that he didn't like it that much). Here is what he made this week:…
A has been mentoring a little girl every Tuesday as part of her community service activities for Sidwell. It's so cute. She talks to her on camera for an hour and it's clear her mentee loves her. M has been…
And on Day 350-whatever of the pandemic, N discovered the Wii. It's been sitting in the basement untouched for a long time, and when he came to me today and said "I want to do something interactive" and this was…
We have introduced N to The Brady Bunch. He loves it! Some things don't stand up as well, so it's good we have M here to express outrage at subplots like "girls are no good at camping" and "Alice lets…
I am liking this "here is the day in pictures" format for the blog. N's playdate today with Eddy. They threw snowballs over the fence: The city N built in art class yesterday: The puzzle I finished: Lucky sleeping in…
Pretty good news at the dentist today. Both M&A's teeth look good. A doesn't need to have her wisdom teeth out anytime soon, so we're not gearing up for the procedure this summer. N needs to work on brushing but…
Here are some pics from when Daddy took N to Shepherd Park on Sunday. (My favorite:) Meanwhile tomorrow is Wednesday, which means no classes for A and M and half day for N. Bummer for all kids – they are…
N has gotten to play in the snow the last two days, which is a novelty in DC since we've had so little snow the last few years. He went sledding with Daddy at Shepherd Park yesterday and today we…