Categories January 2021

Puzzle Swap

Today I went to a puzzle swap. You bring puzzles you don't want anymore and take some that you do. Simple as that. I dropped off 5 and brought home 4. Here are just some of the puzzles I've done…

Categories January 2021

Finally Friday

This week is finally over! Some things we are glad about: We may get snow on Sunday N had no school today and had a good playdate with Cole I was pretty sick on Wednesday but a test confirms today…

Categories January 2021

Packed Pandemic Days

For a family in a pandemic, we have had a lot going on. M went back to school this week M-T-W and took the PSAT on Tuesday. She's home the rest of the week. A goes back to school tomorrow…

Categories January 2021

Sweet Elissa

So, Elissa has gone to her new home. We miss her very much. Her new name is Jet, which we think is a good name for her. M goes back to in-person school tomorrow. 

Categories January 2021

Cat Test

Today we took Elissa, aka The World's Best Dog, to be "cat tested". Basically that means we went to a volunteer's house who has a cat to see how interested Elissa is in cats. The answer: not very. That's a…

Categories January 2021

Happy Birthday Grandpa Ron

Today N joined a group of 3rd grade boys at the CCES playground where they were playing outdoor games. He was pretty apprehensive because they were playing football – not his forte – and he didn't know many of the…

Categories January 2021

Welcome Elissa

We have another visitor in the house: Elissa. We picked her up last night. She was said to be 5 but she's actually 2. 48 pounds. She is very sweet and affectionate. She's strong and energetic but she is able…

Categories January 2021


N doesn't usually like when I sign him up for new activities. Sometimes, he is right – he's still not wild about Bulldog Baseball and he groused about meeting the new neighborhood kid to play baseball on Saturday. He also…