Puzzle Swap
Today I went to a puzzle swap. You bring puzzles you don't want anymore and take some that you do. Simple as that. I dropped off 5 and brought home 4. Here are just some of the puzzles I've done…
Today I went to a puzzle swap. You bring puzzles you don't want anymore and take some that you do. Simple as that. I dropped off 5 and brought home 4. Here are just some of the puzzles I've done…
This week is finally over! Some things we are glad about: We may get snow on Sunday N had no school today and had a good playdate with Cole I was pretty sick on Wednesday but a test confirms today…
For a family in a pandemic, we have had a lot going on. M went back to school this week M-T-W and took the PSAT on Tuesday. She's home the rest of the week. A goes back to school tomorrow…
So, Elissa has gone to her new home. We miss her very much. Her new name is Jet, which we think is a good name for her. M goes back to in-person school tomorrow.
Today we took Elissa, aka The World's Best Dog, to be "cat tested". Basically that means we went to a volunteer's house who has a cat to see how interested Elissa is in cats. The answer: not very. That's a…
Last night was a happy night in our house. We are all VERY relieved and happy to have Joe Biden as our president. And now, back to work in every sense of the word.
N and Cole on the trampoline on Monday: A and Elissa: My latest puzzle (birthday gift from Daddy): Daddy's business meeting today:
Today N joined a group of 3rd grade boys at the CCES playground where they were playing outdoor games. He was pretty apprehensive because they were playing football – not his forte – and he didn't know many of the…
We have another visitor in the house: Elissa. We picked her up last night. She was said to be 5 but she's actually 2. 48 pounds. She is very sweet and affectionate. She's strong and energetic but she is able…
N doesn't usually like when I sign him up for new activities. Sometimes, he is right – he's still not wild about Bulldog Baseball and he groused about meeting the new neighborhood kid to play baseball on Saturday. He also…