Dog-related Pics

First, look at this cute pic of H walking with his friend Sunny in the rain today: I love Sunny’s raincoat. Also, I went through all of our holiday cards so that we can throw them out. I sorted them…

Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday was Easter, so we pulled together an egg hunt at the last minute, having landed from LA the night before. I got chocolates at Safeway and Dad and I stuffed the eggs and hid them in the front and…


We are back from our trip to LA! We had a very fun week in California. Here are some of the things we did: The weather wasn’t hot, but it was warm(ish) and sunny and it was fun to explore.…

M’s Busy Day

Yesterday M had a very busy day. Here is what she did, according to her: Today I had a Chinese midterm, attended multiple of Nadia Crisans lectures, had room draw, went to a Dr Patricia day darty where I jumped…

N Conference

Today was N’s self-led conference (SLC), which is a totally GDS thing. Students create a powerpoint about their achievements throughout the year so far, and they share it with their parents and their advisor. They also create the slides in…

Cute N Pics

Some cute pics of N from Dad’s phone: N with his silver medal from the history bee over the weekend: N eating the yummy crepes Dad made yesterday AM: Girls are safely ensconced back at school. We miss them!

Kids At Home!

We had a really fun weekend at home with all the kids here. Things that happened: We had a nice dinner Friday night at Resident near Dupont Circle. It is a pretty (but loud!) restaurant and we celebrated being together.…

Pi Day

M is now home! The fam is reunited for 3 brief days. M threw a “pie” of whipped cream into N’s face tonight, for Pi Day. She also recited pi, from 5th grade: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502. She still remembers it. Crazy. Another…

Kudos for N and A

Big haps around here tonight. A is home! She was in NY this week and took the bus home tonight. It is good to have her home! We watched a bunch of TikToks and caught up on Oscar memes. Hobart…


So much going on here. It’s SOTU, also known as Nate’s Oscar Night. He is enjoying spotting the pols, doing SOTU Bingo (courtesy of M) and just generally opining on how Biden is doing. Last night, I did a Q&A…