Categories December 2020

N’s Breakfast

I assembled N's breakfast this AM and asked him which fruit he'd like to have. He said,"There is a perfect looking banana over there." So I opened it and sliced it and made it into a smiley face. He said,…

Categories November 2020

Best Birthday Ever!

This was an awesome birthday. Really, the best!  It started at midnight last night at Marc Regardie's house, where a small group of senior staff people gathered to celebrate the Homesnap news. It was the first time I'd seen many of…

Categories November 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

A lot has been going on around here lately! First, we had Thanksgiving last night. Sarah, John, Hannah and Andrew came over and we had a lovely dinner. Lots of yummy food, unseasonably warm weather and just a fun night.…

Categories November 2020

Homesnap News

The big news around here is that Homesnap was acquired by CoStar for $250 million. The deal should close in about a month. Very exciting! I have been working nonstop for a few days but it's all interesting and good.…

Categories November 2020

M vs Lucky

Who will be more excited for Sadie to leave – M or Lucky? This is a tough question. Both of them hate Sadie's crying and noise; both hate when Sadie jumps on them. L hates when Sadie eats his food…

Categories November 2020

Sadie’s Day

Here was Sadie's day (so far): 2AM: MASSIVE throw-up in crate in A's room2:15AM: Smaller throw-ups in crate in A's room2:20 Pee and poop on walk outside 2:25 Drink water from bowl2:30 Massive throw-up of water on A's floor6:00 Walk outside…

Categories November 2020

Sadie In The House

We have our first foster dog! Her name is Sadie and she's a pointer mix. Lucky Dog says she's 1 year and 48 pounds. I think she's younger and may be a little bigger. A and I went to get…