Categories October 2020

A Was Right

Alexa has been telling us for months now that her nose is crooked and that she can only breathe out of one nostril. I kept telling her I'd make an appointment with an ENT… and then I wouldn't do it.…

Categories October 2020


After baseball practice today, the field had a lot of mist on it. The boys were all excited to run through it. N was very intrigued by it and thought it looked very cool. Sidwell is preparing to go to…

Categories October 2020

Long Day

I wrote the following post yesterday (Saturday), and tonight (Sunday) I discovered that it never posted. So it will be my Sunday post even though it is about Saturday. As far as Sunday the big news is that N had…

Categories October 2020

Not Much To Report

I haven't posted in a while, mostly because there isn't that much going on. School continues apace. Daddy and I spend our days on video calls and meetings. We eat dinner, we work at night and we go to bed.…

Categories October 2020

Ranking The Dayparts

N loves rankings of all kinds. Today he ranked days of the weeks and dayparts – which days he enjoys most and which parts of those days he enjoys most. Then at dinner he had us predict all of the…

Categories October 2020

Wisdom Teeth

Poor M had her wisdom teeth out yesterday. She was very uncomfortable yesterday and is slightly better today although she is pretty swollen. Poor girl hasn't been able to eat much but tonight she finally had some soup and a…

Categories October 2020

Wisdom Teeth

Poor M had her wisdom teeth out yesterday. She was very uncomfortable yesterday and is slightly better today although she is pretty swollen. Poor girl hasn't been able to eat much but tonight she finally had some soup and a…

Categories October 2020

Biden Supporters

This evening, M and I ran some errands, including stopping at Grandma Sandy's to drop off some postcard packets. She had friends over – Elinor, Nona and Debbie – and we talked with them through the fence. This pic makes…

Categories October 2020


Not a lot of excitement happening around here today. It was a school day, which means we barely saw the girls before dinner. N was around more, but he too is in class a lot of the day. He's been…