Categories October 2020


Not a lot of excitement happening around here today. It was a school day, which means we barely saw the girls before dinner. N was around more, but he too is in class a lot of the day. He's been…

Categories October 2020

Sunday Singles

N had a great day of baseball today! 7 at bats, 7 singles, 3 RBIs! His work with Emmitt is paying off. The girls enjoyed a lot of time outside with friends, which was nice. A saw Corne last night…

Categories October 2020

Saturday Night

I haven't posted in a while. There was big news on Thursday night, leading to a late night Thursday into Friday morning, and a very tired night last night, so didn't get a chance to post. We made it through…

Categories September 2020

M&A Online

We are so proud of our kids. This is in the email that went to the whole GDS community today: Here is a link to M's post: Nice job, M! We've been getting emails and texts tonight from GDS…

Categories September 2020

Cole Being Cole

Yesterday, Cole came over for a playdate since N had no school. They swam for a few hours. When it was over, I asked N how it was. "It was great," he said. "I had a really good time." I…

Categories September 2020

Erev Yom Kippur

We had a decent weekend, considering… well, everything. The girls had social plans last night – M had her friend group over in the backyard and A and Allison hung out (and went to Insomnia Cookies!). Allison had gotten a…

Categories September 2020


We made it to the end of another week. It has been a grueling one.  A still has homework tonight (Friday) due at midnight. M had a driving lesson in the rain/dark this evening. Everyone has logged in hours on…

Categories September 2020

BTS Night

Cole's mom and I are trying to get the boys together for a standing playdate every Thursday. Today, N went to Cole's house. When I went to pick him up, we looked at some cute little turtles Cole's family keeps…

Categories September 2020

Unexciting Updates

Some updates from pandemic land. N got up 30 minutes early this AM so that he could have unhurried time to check baseball news before school started. He was very pleased with this morning's schedule. A brought tears to her…