Categories August 2020


Today I learned about tryouts for a travel baseball organization in DC. We are pretty clueless on travel sports, but a friend of mine had signed her kids up for tryouts so I signed N up today. He was NOT…

Categories August 2020


So… GDS now virtual through Nov. 1 at least. Disappointing but not unexpected. Now we wait for Sidwell to announce the same thing. This is our last week at home pre-vacation. Lots to plan and finish before we leave. I…

Categories August 2020

More RDV Pics

Another quarantine summer day. M did her online Chinese program and some GOTV conference calls. Friday is her last day of the program. A had an easy day – she gave a piano lesson in the AM and mostly relaxed…

Categories August 2020

Ron Dee Vous Visit

Daddy and the kids went to visit Ron-Dee-Vous this weekend. It sounds like they had a great trip! Lots of food and lake and baseball time. They are en route home now and I'll get the scoop when they get…

Categories July 2020

Wisdom Teeth

N is enjoying sports management camp. Today was MLB draft day. They did a mock draft, and I heard him in his breakout room basically telling the other kids who they should get. They find out tomorrow which team had…

Categories July 2020

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today was Daddy's 53rd birthday.  Tonight we celebrated by having a summery dinner outside – grilled hamburgers, caprese salad and corn – and a delicious cake made mostly by M and some by A and me. It is a "strawberry…

Categories July 2020

Art Auction

Highlights of the weekend: Yummy summery dinner last night Pick your own flowers place – even though the output was disappointing, it was fun to go out there and cut my own flowers. BASEBALL IS BACK. (We are 1-2, not…

Categories July 2020


We're having some nice summery days here. M&A both saw friends today – M had a few people in the pool and A went to a movie screening outdoors at Sophia's. We had a summery dinner outside – salmon and…

Categories July 2020


WE ARE WATCHING A LIVE BASEBALL GAME. It is Opening Day and the score is currently 2-1, Yankees winning. But Scherz is settling in. It's surreal and sad but we'll take it right now. ESPN guys are watching the game…

Categories July 2020

Not A Compliments Guy

MCPS announced today that the entire first semester (through January 2021) will be online. N took it in stride. He wasn't happy but he said, "Yeah, I expected that." He had a good playdate today here with Ayan and Nathan…