Haircut Sunday
Today was a warm day – great for staying indoors. The girls had some driving lessons, Daddy and N played their baseball game on the front lawn, and I went for a run. Instacart delivered a bunch of Costco stuff.…
Today was a warm day – great for staying indoors. The girls had some driving lessons, Daddy and N played their baseball game on the front lawn, and I went for a run. Instacart delivered a bunch of Costco stuff.…
It's Cleaning Saturday here at the house. We spent many many hours mopping, vacuuming, decluttering, doing laundry and cleaning out the garage. The house looks good but it's a bummer of a way to spend a weekend day. On the…
This week has been very long. But we have big news: A got into the UCLA camera acting summer program she applied to! SO EXCITING! (We hope it happens.) N got to Zoom with his class today. There were some…
So I just didn't have it in me to do it up for AFD today. I usually LOVE AFD. But the idea of tricking the kids by in any way getting their hopes up about anything or just confusing them…
Today was a grey, chilly day with little leaving the house. In fact, I think I am the only one who crossed the threshold (three dog walks and the post office to drop off a package, no waiting in line).…
Back to work today, back to school for A. She has very little structure in the distance learning, which is stressful for her. Definitely a big adjustment. N is still trying to entertain himself during the day while Daddy and…
The biggest news from here today is that A cut Daddy's hair. She did a fantastic job and he looks a lot better! (It was REALLY long this morning.) Otherwise it was a pretty uneventful day. Imogene stopped by this…
I didn't post last night – took a night off – so I have a lot to catch up on! We've had two busy days of sports practice, work meetings, a birthday party, and – oh, right. No, we haven't.…
The sun was shining today which made everything a little better. The big news: the trampoline is done! It took a while but it's done and the kids are happy with it. N was so excited for it to be…
The funniest/most random names that appeared in our Celebrity game tonight: Diane Schiff Norma, Imogene's brother Lenny's wife (x2) plus Imogene's brother Lenny Mrs. Stallworth Russ McGurk Shamrock and Shamu Henrietta Lacks Sandra Oh Todd Goldwasser Katie Ledecky We're not…