Day 11
The week continues. At least today N did some math worksheets. He also watched Science Mom and played chess and did his usual video games. Plus, he brushed up on his presidents: And had a Zoom with his RHES friends:…
The week continues. At least today N did some math worksheets. He also watched Science Mom and played chess and did his usual video games. Plus, he brushed up on his presidents: And had a Zoom with his RHES friends:…
A gloomy, rainy day meant no bootcamp and no biking and no baseball. Here's what we did do: 1) Finished the VERY difficult puzzle that Grandma Sandy gave us. Finally. 2) Bootcamp in the backyard (me and Nate) under the…
Today was not the most productive day ever, but it was a good one. Some highlights: 1) A discovered her favorite movie of all time last night. It's called About Time. We watched it last night – she and I…
Where did today go?? Late wake-ups by the kids after a late night of watching TV. The girls went biking this afternoon and did some social distancing with Alida and Jessie, which meant standing in a park 6 feet away…
The girls had a late night last night and a late wakeup today. Then they biked to Kenwood to see the cherry blossoms and all the people seeing the blossoms (!). They are really enjoying the biking. They've also been…
Today wasn't the most productive day for N, but it was for the girls. They both had homework to do and spent most of the day in their rooms working. And now they are on Spring Break! Yay! Oh, right. …
Today was Day 1 of distance learning for the girls. M had 1 and A had 2 live classes. Both of them seem to have a lot of work to do tonight, though. Only one more day of work tomorrow…
Day 4 of social distancing was a little less fun than Day 3, perhaps because reality is setting in and perhaps because Imogene didn't come. N did NOT do any math or reading or anything intellectually edifying other than begrudgingly…
Day 3 of Social Distancing: Not much to report from today. A went to the orthodontist, who took all sorts of precautions. N went to the park with Nana to practice baseball and then for a walk with me and…
Here's the report on Social Distancing Day 2. Today I braved BBM for bagels (wearing gloves and standing 6 feet behind the person in front of me in line). At least we had fresh bagels! The theme of the day…