Categories March 2020

Random Updates

Coupla updates… The SFS lacrosse coach said that A has been doing a great job as manager.  I emailed him to say that she needs to  be excused every Tuesday for 30 minutes (she has piano lessons then). He responded…

Categories February 2020

Catching Up

This blog has been quiet for a while because I was on a long work trip that took me out of town most of last week. But I am back and here is a very quick update on what everyone…

Categories February 2020

Weekend Report

Another busy weekend with kids headed in all directions. M was in Boston since Thursday for Harvard Model Congress and returned home late afternoon today. She had a good time, but she's skirting the edge of a cold and didn't…

Categories February 2020

3 out of 5

We are down 40% tonight – M is in Boston for Harvard Model Congress and Daddy is at Yale where he is speaking to Kerry's class tomorrow, So it's pretty quiet here. N and A and I had dinner. N…

Categories February 2020

My Mini Me

N is following in my footsteps in two ways: 1. He's a book reviewer!! 2. He's a podcaster! Stay tuned for the first episode of Not A Baseball Town, a podcast I am doing with Andrew Herman about the Nats,…

Categories February 2020

Busy Busy Week

Wow, I haven't posted since Sunday! It has been a crazy week. Everyone in the house had a lot going on. M had a busy week at school, then she led a session for MLK Day at GDS about voter…

Categories February 2020

Oscar Sunday

It's Oscar Sunday! N and A have been super interested in the Oscar ballot process – I even got N to listen to an Oscars podcast with me – and we are watching the show now. Sadly, M and Daddy…

Categories February 2020

N Is The Best

The kids have dispersed for the night. M is babysitting and sending us some pretty sad texts about how glad she is that N is N and how much she misses babysitting for the Daultons because the kids are much…