Categories February 2020

Catching Up

This blog has been quiet for a while because I was on a long work trip that took me out of town most of last week. But I am back and here is a very quick update on what everyone…

Categories February 2020

Weekend Report

Another busy weekend with kids headed in all directions. M was in Boston since Thursday for Harvard Model Congress and returned home late afternoon today. She had a good time, but she's skirting the edge of a cold and didn't…

Categories February 2020

3 out of 5

We are down 40% tonight – M is in Boston for Harvard Model Congress and Daddy is at Yale where he is speaking to Kerry's class tomorrow, So it's pretty quiet here. N and A and I had dinner. N…

Categories February 2020

My Mini Me

N is following in my footsteps in two ways: 1. He's a book reviewer!! 2. He's a podcaster! Stay tuned for the first episode of Not A Baseball Town, a podcast I am doing with Andrew Herman about the Nats,…

Categories February 2020

Busy Busy Week

Wow, I haven't posted since Sunday! It has been a crazy week. Everyone in the house had a lot going on. M had a busy week at school, then she led a session for MLK Day at GDS about voter…

Categories February 2020

Oscar Sunday

It's Oscar Sunday! N and A have been super interested in the Oscar ballot process – I even got N to listen to an Oscars podcast with me – and we are watching the show now. Sadly, M and Daddy…

Categories February 2020

N Is The Best

The kids have dispersed for the night. M is babysitting and sending us some pretty sad texts about how glad she is that N is N and how much she misses babysitting for the Daultons because the kids are much…

Categories February 2020

Oscar Research

N and I spent a lot of time tonight doing Oscars research. He is totally into it – wants to know who's the frontrunner, who's surging, etc. – but is also putting a lot of his own picks. Very impressed.…