Categories February 2020

Oscar Research

N and I spent a lot of time tonight doing Oscars research. He is totally into it – wants to know who's the frontrunner, who's surging, etc. – but is also putting a lot of his own picks. Very impressed.…

Categories February 2020

Super Bowl Sunday

This was one of the quieter weekends we've had in a while. A and M both had sleepovers on Friday and we went to a bat mitzvah last night while A went to a BBYO "kickoff" (not sure what that…

Categories January 2020

Friday At Home

It's Friday night. A is at a sleepover at Charlotte's (they held the Finer Things Club after school); M has Phoebe over for a sleepover; and N is still aware at 10:37 watching an age-inappropriate movie with us (Bombshell). A…

Categories January 2020

M’s Victory

Congratulations to M! She was elected to the student council for the 10th grade to fill a slot vacated by a classmate who is abroad this semester. She gave a speech to her class last Friday and the results were…

Categories January 2020

Peace Place

M&A were gone this weekend for a confirmation conference. They were in Crystal City and Georgetown. They skipped tomorrow, which is the day when the attendees go to the Hill for a lobbying day. Sounds like it was an okay…

Categories January 2020

8th Tooth

N's 8th tooth fell out at school yesterday during math class. Mrs. Fye gave him a tooth necklace to put it in. He moved it when he got home to his own bag: Tomorrow the girls leave for a confirmation…

Categories January 2020


Today we went to volunteer at Martha's Table Market, a gathering in SE where we passed out bags of fruits and vegetables to people who had attended an annual MLK parade. It was fun and upbeat and worthwhile, if a…