Categories September 2019

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Happy new year! M and Daddy went to services tonight and we are all going in the morning with Grandma Sandy. Happy anniversary to Daddy and me! We had a fun dinner at Red Hen last night. M&A babysat –…

Categories September 2019

Nate’s Schoolwork

N is bringing home some impressive work! He got an A on his math graphing test, and he got 3 As on his "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" essay. Here it is (I've corrected spelling and incorporated some of…

Categories September 2019

Multi-sport Weekend

This weekend, N: played soccer in baseball clothes played baseball in soccer clothes played soccer in soccer clothes played baseball in baseball clothes played basketball in cleats until I made him switch to sneakers swam in a bathing suit No…

Categories September 2019


N has a ton of keychains on his backpack. M has found cute pics on my phone: M doing her nails tonight, pre-Homecoming: Nate has made a list ranking all the teams in terms of whether he likes them or…

Categories September 2019

Sidwell BTS Night

Tonight was BTS night at Sidwell. Daddy and I got to meet all of A's teachers and her advisor, and go through her schedule. I am glad I am not a student anymore. I think I am smarter now than…

Categories September 2019

September Madness

It is back to school night/class potluck/school picnic season. Tonight was a picnic at RHES and the 10th grade class potluck at GDS, which meant schlepping between the two and missing a big chunk of both. N's was pretty hectic…

Categories September 2019

Back From Amagansett

I was gone for a few days for Birthdaypalooza with Sarah, Mary and Tracy in Amagansett. It was a fantastic weekend all around – much needed and much appreciated.  The week has kicked off. A had a soccer game today.…

Categories September 2019

BTS Night #1

Tonight Daddy and I went to the first of our three Back To School nights. This one was at Rosemary Hills, for N.  Here are our impressions of the school, his (short-term) teacher and the community: 1) The presentation in…