Art Cart Cleanout
Big annual project completed here over the weekend: the cleaning out of the art cart. It looks much better now. Let the art commence. Also, how cute are these pics taken after dinner tonight? And HOW CUTE IS THIS PIC…
Big annual project completed here over the weekend: the cleaning out of the art cart. It looks much better now. Let the art commence. Also, how cute are these pics taken after dinner tonight? And HOW CUTE IS THIS PIC…
Busy weekend! N: daddy-Nate breakfast, haircut, errands, catch, pool (entertaining Fernandez kids), dinner, Nats game (loss), sleep, birthday party Zavazone, Nats game (win), baseball practice, home, catch, scooter, piano, dinner, shower, BED. A: homework, PIANO, GDS volleyball, Sidwell football, Fernandez…
Today, Darren and Kate came over with Harper, Royce and baby Carter. M&A enjoyed holding Carter (1 month old). N didn't love having Harper and Royce playing with his stuff. And Harper pushed him in the pool which he didn't…
It is the end of the first week of school and I think we are all tired! N asked if I would drive him to school sometimes, like once a week, so I did this morning. HIs bus takes 30…
So the verdict on the first day? Not bad. A had a great day. She likes all of her teachers and had an easy day with very short classes. She is very high on Sidwell tonight! She went to soccer…
Tomorrow is the first day of school! Backpacks are packed.Supplies are organized.Rooms are clean (this is a big deal!).Clothes are clean and folded.Alarms are set (I think.)Homemade muffins are baked.Signs for tomorrow's photos are printed. We're ready. N is taking…
Clearly, I have had a hard time getting back into the swing of posting on P&B&B&B&C&C regularly! It has been a week (!) since I posted last. Here's what's been going on here… 1) We went to the open house…
So, we're back in DC and starting the final week before school starts. This weekend was spent doing a million loads of laundry, watching a lot of baseball (Nats swept the Cubs), seeing some friends (M&A), unpacking (mostly) and buying…
It's the last night of our trip, and I am typing this at 1130PM on the balcony of our little apartment in Lisbon. The weather is perfect, it's quiet but the lights are twinkling and the sounds of the city…
So I haven't posted in several days and we've been all over the place. Let me try to reconstruct. When we left off, we were still in Madrid. The next day, we picked up a rental car in Madrid and…