Categories July 2019

Quirkle Rummy

I am back from a quick trip to Portland. It is good to be home! N and I celebrated by playing some board games tonight – one from his birthday party called Penguins on Ice which is like a puzzle;…

Categories July 2019

July 4

Here's what's been going on around here. It's the 4th of July – a grey, rainy day for the most part. A has been at a friend's birthday party since 1PM (it is now 9). M had her LAST day…

Categories July 2019

Trea Is A Treat

We went to the Nats game tonight. It rained before the game, then was nice, then got increasingly ominous during the game… … then poured. 90 minute rain delay. We left just as the tarp was coming off the field…

Categories July 2019


So this happened today, at the Georgetown Chipotle on M Street at approximately 4:30 PM: I am so proud of M for going up to hm and talking to him!!! His awesome wife took the photo.  In less happy news,…

Categories June 2019

N’s Artwork

M isn't enjoying debate seminar very much, but she is enjoying the campus. Here she is yesterday on campus. I think she will be happy when the program is over!  Here is some artwork that N made at Lafayette this…

Categories June 2019

Back From The North

Whew. I am back. Two nights in Vancouver turned into two nights in Vancouver plus one night in Chicago. We were flying back to DC via Chicago and there were storms there, so we were ordered to circle. We didn't…

Categories June 2019

Summer Solstice Weekend

This was a fun but exhausting weekend. Last night we had a bunch of people over: the Kennedys, the Lowensteins and the Campers (parents only). Lots of kids, lots of adults. We hung out outside, the younger kids swam, we…