Categories April 2019

Thursday Report

Tomorrow I am reading in N's class in the afternoon. Here are the three books we picked: N had a tough baseball practice tonight with a teammate who was kind of a jerk to him. He was not happy. But…

Categories April 2019

N’s Baseball Attitude

I've been unhappy lately about the performance of the Nats this season. Tonight, N said, "Mommy, if they have a bad season, then they have a bad season. It isn't going to change anything else." He's right. We will watch…

Categories April 2019

Cherry Blossom Time

It is cherry blossom time here in DC, and it's gorgeous. Today each of us got to go to Kenwood for various dropoffs and pickups, and it was like driving through a cloud. So gorgeous. We also enjoyed spring weather…

Categories April 2019

Friday Accomplishments

Things accomplished today: A played "Bohemian Rhapsody" on the piano all the way through, by year! And she had a good lunch at school. M played one inning of varsity softball for GDS! She played second base. She didn't touch…

Categories April 2019

HoopEd gets a 3

N went to HoopEd camp today at Lafayette because there was no school. I asked him to rank it, with 1 being the worst thing he's ever done and 10 being the best thing he's ever done, and he gave…

Categories April 2019


Today is one of my favorite days of the year: April Fools Day! (It's also the 2nd anniversary of M&A's bat mitzvah!). We prepped some tricks for N last night and this AM – here is what he got: 1)…

Categories March 2019

Girls and the Dentist

The girls had dentist appointments this morning. A had an an unfortunate surprise: one of her teeth had a little nick in it (it came in that way) and it was starting to get discolored thanks to the Invisalign. Dr.…

Categories March 2019

Baseball Is Coming

This was a very busy weekend, but also filled with enjoyable stuff. Yesterday was the MCPOM Consignment Sale. M came with me and volunteered in the morning as my detagger. We had fun, as always. But it was a very…