Baby Fish

So, camp was ok today. Here is the order of camp days starting with the best and ending at the worst:





(Although Thursday and Tuesday might be switched; I didn't really get clarity on that one.)

Here is the most exciting news of the day – we are now back up to 6 fish! (Lemon died last week so that left (new) Blueberry, (new) Tango and 3 of the original 4 tetras). I looked into the tank tonight and saw a teeeeeeny little thing swimming around – it's a baby fish! No one has claimed maternity or paternity yet, but I have noticed (new) Blueberry and (new) Tango being a little more agitated than usual today. It's a very cute tiny little fish, and A has named it "Tiny". (SO CUTE BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE CALL A!)

Tomorrow is the last day of camp and I will go to see their presentation at 3:30. Imogene is coming with me, and maybe Grandma Sandy if she isn't too busy.

Otherwise, it's pack, pack, pack.

Good night!

1 comment

a says:

Love the story about the tiny fish. The girls had an interesting week at camp — some good days and some not so good. Have a great Fourth of July.
Aunt Ann

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