
I AM BACK! Three nights away is TOO long. I had a good time in Austin at my favorite conference, SXSW, but the tacked-on business trip to NY today was too much. I am thrilled to be home with the kids and Daddy. I got home tonight and was able to help the girls with homework, help M practice the piano, start drawing the draft of the entry for the Cirque de Lafayette Spring Fair t-shirt, nurse the boy, and read him a few books. So that's good.

Daddy did an AWESOME job while I was gone. He held down the fort with the three kids all weekend after I left, and did fun things like walk to BBM, make unicorn poop cookies (see below), watch Wreck-it Ralph, take N to the playground, take the girls to rehearsals, etc. He was SuperDad. Very well done! He made it much easier for me to leave!

In other news, the school auction was this weekend. We didn't go, but were part of a bidding group that won the Teacher's Treat for M's class (a baseball game with the teachers!). We sadly lost the Teacher's Treat for A's class (a movie with her teacher) – someone swooped in at the last minute and won it. I am so bummed – this is the first year at Lafayette that we haven't won (when we've actually tried for it). A doesn't know yet – I forgot to tell her tonight.

The little boy has his 9 month checkup tomorrow. I am excited to see how much he weighs, and to ask some questions about his eating, to make sure we are on track. My prediction: 27.2 pounds. Daddy's prediction: 24 pounds.

Cinderella rehearsals are starting to take over our lives. The girls had rehearsal 3-6 today, and 4:30-6 yesterday. They have tomorrow off and then again from 3-6 on Thursday.

Here are some recent pics!

Taken by prima ballerina Emily Ellis at rehearsal on Monday:


Taken by Grandma Sandy after picking the girls up from rehearsal yesterday:


Buns Daddy made on Sunday:


Unicorn poop cookies that the girls and Daddy made. They are apparently very complicated to make!



So glad to be home and grateful for this wonderful husband and family!!




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