What a whirlwind week. After I last posted, I headed to NY for the Book Expo. I had a great time in NY learning about new books, collecting a few review copies, seeing some of my fellow book bloggers, and just generally soaking in BEA. I also spoke at a social media conference on Thursday and staffed another panel the day before, so it was a work trip as well.
On Friday, I headed up to Providence for my 20th reunion. Daddy, who had gone to Pakistan on Wednesday, returned late Friday night and came to Providence the next day. I had a blast seeing old friends. We stayed in the VERY noisy dorms, and didn't get much sleep because of people screaming and partying late into the night. But it was all worth it.
The girls had a great few days here with Imogene. On Saturday they went to ballet with Grandma Sandy, and they had a playdate in the afternoon with their friend Emily. Imogene did a great job holding down the fort.
Today we had our first swim day of the season at the Bethesda pool. The girls saw some friends there and had a lot of fun. Then to Potomac Pizza and Giffords, and home to bed.
I will do a "By the Numbers" post tomorrow. A asked me to include something on the blog today. She said that she had hurt herself somewhere and Daddy wanted to kiss it to make it better, and she said no. He then made a sad, puppy-eyed face at her. She said, "That puppy-eyed face won't do anything!"
This was a fun blog to read. It’s great that everyone had a wonderful week with so much to do. I think A hurt herself where she did not want a “man” to kiss it. So cute!
Aunt Ann
It was so great to see you both at reunion. Your girls amaze me. They are looking more like you! And Dan definitely gets the biggest kudos for coming in from Islamabad to go to his wife’s reunion. If you ever find yourself in the wilds of North Jersey… you know where to find me!
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