Back at Home

I am back home from my latest trip to Detroit, this time for the auto show. Exhausting few days. Glad to be back.

I got home today mid-day after a horrendous flight on a small private plane – the scariest flight I’ve ever taken. It was very nice to be back on the ground for many reasons. I made it home about 30 minutes before the girls returned from their Tuesday playdate, and I surprised them behind the door when they came in. That was a sweet moment.

After nap, Imo and I took the girls to a new ballet class at our local community center. It was a huge hit! It was a real ballet class – they did first position, plies at the barre, jumps, skipping across the room, and some tumbling. They wore their new ballet slippers and their tutu dresses. A few funny things from the class:

  • I took a picture of the girls on my phone while they were in the middle of the class, and M yelled across the room, "Can I see the picture?"
  • The girls loudly and proudly told the teacher they are 3 1/2, and she turned to me and said, ‘This is a class for 4 year-olds." Oops.
  • The teacher asked the class if they have ever been ice-skating. A said, "Yes! I have. All the time!" I shook my head at her. "Sometimes I go ice-skating." More shaking my head. "A few times." More shaking. "Once." I shook my head one last time. "No, I haven’t been ice-skating."
  • A and M came up to me 20 times in the last 15 minutes of class to ask me how much time was left in the class.
  • At one point, A and M told the teacher very loudly, "We LOVE The Nutcracker!" Then I heard A telling a little girl in the class that she was Clara.

Things took a turn for the worse after ballet, when A had a serious meltdown and wouldn’t get dressed, and then refused to go out do dinner at a restaurant as planned. Then M had a meltdown because she wanted to go to the restaurant. That was about 1 hour of straight, double crying. Welcome home!

Books tonight: The Little Engine That Could and Angelina’s Favorite Things.

School tomorrow.

It’s good to be home.

Here are two photos from class today as well as a photo of the artwork on the front door that greeted me when I got home. A has been writing her name a lot, and they are both very focused on letters.

Class1Class2 Class4 


Anonymous says:

Thanks for the photos. M and A look so cute. Mommy, you have been blessed with lots of patience.

Teha says:

I love the tutus! I can’t wait to read your blog about taking the girls ice skating 🙂

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