Back from NY

I have returned from my conference in NY. The girls were very excited when I got home – a lot of screaming, and M wanted me to hold her for a long time. They were extremely cute. A then did a bunch of letters and words – she is very, very good at spelling and writing. I have to say, for a not-yet-four year-old, it’s very impressive. She also took out some drawings that she did at school today – one of her and Allie and one of an airplane, and they are quite impressive. I will try to photograph them or scan them in the next few days so that I can post them here. M also did a drawing for me at school – purple marker. I love all the drawings very much.

A few funny things:

  • When I called home yesterday, Imogene put the girls on the phone. M got on first. I said, "Who’s this?" (because sometimes it’s hard to tell which one it is right away). She said, "Guess! I’ll give you a hint. It’s someone with red hair."
  • Then A got on the phone and said, "Guess who it is, Mommy!" I said, "I think it’s A, because M was just on." She said, "You’re right, it’s A. How’s work? How was the airplane?" So cute. I told her I took a train instead of an airplane.
  • Tonight, the girls were taking a long time to quiet down. After about an hour, I went in for the fifth time or so, and said, "Girls, which part of "bedtime" do you not understand? The ‘bed’ or the ‘time’?" M thought that was very funny and said, "the ‘time’, Mommy, the ‘time’".
  • Tonight, M said she was too tired to read books and wanted to get in bed instead. So she and Daddy got in bed while A and I read This Bunny Belongs to Emily Brown. There is a part about a washing machine in the book, where a stuffed bunny gets washed wrong and comes out pink. M overheard the part about the washing machine and asked Daddy some questions about how the bunny turned out pink. He said the person who washed it didn’t know how to wash it very well. He said that Mommy knows how to do the laundry well but that Daddy doesn’t. M asked Daddy why he doesn’t help Mommy with the laundry. He said he didn’t know. M said, "Well, I think you should start helping Mommy more." Amen, sister.
  • M told Imogene that she doesn’t like to eat snacks. Imogene asked her why, and she said, "Because then I don’t like to eat my dinner." What a good girl!

It’s 11:11 and they are finally quiet.

Good to be home.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Your girls really love and miss you when you are away. They are so clever and so gifted. I would love to see their drawings and more pictures of them.

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