Back from PA

We are back from our long weekend in PA. We had a fun time, but a very difficult drive home today. M isn't feeling well, and we fear that she may have a UTI. We're going to the doctor in the AM to see what's going on. The poor girl is very uncomfortable and having trouble sleeping, which is unlike her. I hope that she gets some rest tonight and that we can get everything addressed tomorrow.

N was a great traveler all weekend. He got fussy on the way home because we were stopping and starting so much so that M could go to the bathroom. I think he was just done with being in the car. He's been on a number of long rides lately – to and from the beach, to and from PA, and to and from dropping the girls off midway to PA three weeks ago. That's a lot of time in a carseat.

We had fun this weekend, especially with all of the cousins. There was a sweet baby naming for Sydney and Eden on Saturday morning, which took place on the back deck in the most beautiful weather anyone could have asked for. A spent a lot of time in the lake (not M, though), and we took both girls for a kayak ride on Sunday. We also went and played mini golf with Ben and Olivia. All in all, it was very nice to be in PA with the extended family and we look forward to more fun in Curacao this winter.

M took some AMAZING pictures this weekend. She is really gifted. I will upload them and start posting them this week. I am blown away by how good she is at both using the camera and also identifying great opportunities for pictures.

School tomorrow, plus ballet. I hope that M is feeling well enough to go to both of those.

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