Back from Vegas and Random Scanned Stuff

I am back in DC – arrived home from Vegas last night. So good to see everybody. The girls woke me up on my last morning in Vegas with a 5:15 wake-up call (I don't think they quite understand time zones yet) to share some exciting news – A lost her third tooth! She was very excited. She hasn't lost a tooth since 2010, so it was a big deal. It came out right when she woke up yesterday morning. She put it under her pillow last night and got $5 from the TF and a nice note. She also left a nice note for the TF.

Last night, Aunt Deb arrived from Seattle. She was too late to see the girls last night, but she got to hang out with them a little bit this morning. She and Lucky are fast friends, as I expected.

Tonight is a fancy dinner for Grandpa Ron to celebrate an award that he is receiving today. Congratulations, Grandpa Ron! No kids tonight, but tomorrow is a family dinner so we'll all be there, along with Darrah and Jason and Sydney.

In the meantime, I wanted to share a few cute little things the girls have written lately:


Top: M's note from Sunday School: "I am thankful for God making a great sister!"

Next: A's note from Sunday School: "I am thankful for God making me alive."

Next: Note A wrote to me from her sleepover at Grandma Sandy's 2 weeks ago: "Dear Mommy, I miss you so much. I'm having a great time. I can't wait to see you and Bubble [the air swimmmer] can't wait to see you too. Love, A."

Last: M's Hanukah promise to A from Sunday School (I shared A's a few weeks ago but couldn't find M's): "I will do anything you want me to do or let you watch any television show or movie you want to watch or I won't hug or kiss you when you don't want me to. Love, your twin sister M."


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