Back Home!

I am home! Austin was a great experience but I am very glad to be home. And I think that was my last work trip of the pregnancy. Maybe a day trip to NY but that would be it. Yay! M came to the door tonight to let me in, gave me a big hug around my large middle, and said, "LAST TRIP!" It was a very nice greeting.

A is having some issues with recess. She says she has no one to play with. Friends are either paired up without her or they are playing things she doesn't want to play. We have suggested that she play with M, but M is always reading, says A. M has said that if A wants to play with her, she should just tell her, and M will stop reading. Poor A – she was very upset this morning and told Daddy how sad she was. She wrote a letter to the tooth fairy tonight to ask her to help her during recess, maybe to whisper in her ear to let her know that she is there and that A isn't alone. We are going to work on some playdates with girls in her class so that has more friends that she feels close to.

While I was gone, Lucky barked loudly a few times, which annoyed Daddy until he realized that the first time Lucky barked it was because he heard my voice on the phone, and the second time it was because he heard the teapot singing before Daddy did. Those are legitimate reasons!

We are looking forward to this weekend- trip to Brooklyn for Sydney's 2nd birthday and for the Crossword Tournament. Not as excited about the drive.

Back to work tomorrow. OH- A found our lost library book! It was zipped up in the pocket of her backpack. So even though we got amnesty for it, we can return it and the library will have it again. Great news!


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