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We have all been reunited at home! Yay! I landed in DC around 2 today, which required a 4:30 AM wakeup in Park City this morning. Eesh. Daddy drove home from the lake today and got home around 6. We are all at home together – finally! I missed the girls soooo much and was so excited to see them when they got home.

Sad news – lost the three tetra fish while we were gone. THe tank was disgusting thanks to the self-timed food release pyramid, so I cleaned it and now think that the remaining two guppies and baby guppy are in shock due to the change of the water. I hope I don't lose them too! I tried to replace the fish before the girls got home, but PetSmart was closed when I got there at 620.

Grandma Sandy came over to say hi tonight – it was nice to see her! A read to her from her book and both girls danced to Radio Disney.

Here are some pictures I took during a photography class in Park City. I will upload more from Utah and Pennsylvania later in the week.

Evo 012 

Evo 007 

Evo 013 

Evo 075 

Evo 015 

Evo 041 

Evo 027 

Evo 004 

Evo 077 

Evo 078 


1 comment

a says:

It’s good to know that all of you are together again. Sorry about your losing fish. Your photos are fabulous.
Aunt Ann

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