Back Home in Washington Monument

We are back and already fully into the throes of our DC life. Today, we went to Olivia’s birthday party at a paint-your-own-pottery place. The girls each painted a ceramic mermaid. The theme of the party was Ariel the mermaid, and there was actually a real-life Ariel there (whom Olivia’s mom found on Google, of course). M & A were completely into the Ariel mermaid. She read the kids a few stories and sang a song, and M especially was hanging on her every word. At one point I heard M telling "Ariel" about our beach vacation ("And then I saw a crab and four turtles") as well as our remaining summer plans ("And then we’re going to New York, and then to Seattle"). A was a bit fussy at the party but I think she had fun.

The girls came food shopping with me afterwards and were mostly very helpful. M pushed a small cart around Trader Joe’s and a large cart around Safeway. A sat in my cart at Safeway.

There’s a book out right now about a woman who can remember everything that has ever happened in her life, good or bad, including such minutae as what she had for breakfast on any given day ten years ago. I think M is like that woman. She remembers absolutely everthing and brings up the most random things all the time. At various points today, she mentioned: 1) a car with the steering wheel on the right that we saw at a restaurant three weeks ago; 2) the fact that Dr. Fink told Mommy that the girls could eat vitamins if they want to; and 3) the name of the street (Murray St.) where we turned to get to the hotel we stayed at in NYC in January.

[Heard through the monitor: A and M are in bed talking about getting married. A said, "Well, I think I am going to marry YOU, M."]

There are so many funny things to remember over the last few days. A called my flip flops "slip slops" this morning and is right now discussing her "slip glops" (lip gloss). M went through my t-shirt drawer today and told me all the shirts she likes.

Tomorrow is the last day of school. End of the year picnic is on Tuesday. And then they are off until camp starts in about 2 weeks.

Today, the 14-year old twins came over and played with M&A for two hours. They all seemed to have a good time – adorable.

OK, time to catch up on a week of missed work. Back to regular posting, I promise.


Anonymous says:

Thank you for all the delicious “stuff” in today’s blog. I love hearing all the details about you and the girls. They are incredibly clever and do and say things few children their age do and say. I’m so proud of all of you.

Aunt Darrah says:

I thoroughly enjoyed reading that post! I love their mispronounciations (sp?). We can’t wait to see you all this weekend!

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