We are back from our trip to Hawaii.
The last 24 hours was pretty fun. Tuesday was pretty rainy, so we explored Hanaelei and the North Shore by car and then came back to the hotel for some swimming. We had an early dinner at a nice restaurant at the St. Regis with an absolutely stunning sunset view. Then it was off to shaved ice at one of the highly recommended places on the island and back to sleep.
Wednesday, A and I went horseback riding at a beautiful ranch near Princeville. She loved it! Her horse was Popoki and mine was Poki (so named for being lazy and slow – great). She had such a good time and said it was her favorite experience of the trip! The trees and scenery were gorgeous and lush and the ride was easy.
We then went to the Hanalei Beach to hang out for a bit, then grabbed lunch in the cute beach-y hippie town and bought some souvenirs. We headed back to the hotel, swam a bit, packed and headed to the airport.
Our trip was smooth but long.
5:45 left for airport
8:30 flight from Lihue to SF
landed 4:30 local time in SF
layover til 7:30 in SF (was supposed to be 9:30! but we got an earlier flight)
9:30 takeoff for DC
3:30 landing in DC
So it was a long day! The kids were GREAT. N slept a fair amount of both flights, as did M&A (though they each read a book on the flight out!). Everyone was pretty patient and positive despite the hours.
We're home now, mostly unpacked, and the girls have Deal orientation tomorrow morning.
Just a few pics:
Us at the St. Regis:
A on Popoki:
Me and N at the beach:
N on the second flight:
M had an orthodontia issue while we were gone, and our earlier arrival today let us get to the orthodontist just before they closed so we could get it fixed. She got rainbow rubber bands:
Couple of things about N. He sits quietly sometimes, like when we're driving, but then comes up with statements like "Some houses have steps going up to them, and some don't." and "People know how to use this carseat better than the other one we had in Hawaii." and "The airport at Hawaii is outside." He is always noticing things and thinking about them. He's such a cutie, and so smart. He is happy to be home and missed DC a lot.