We are back home in DC. It was a somewhat arduous trip. Our car battery was dead before we even left PA. We got a jump from the Feldmans' neighbor, and headed home. My tire has had a slow leak for a while, so after we stopped in town to get cash, we went to a tire shop that was luckily open on Labor Day. A nice guy fixed our tire in the pouring rain. But then our car was dead again. We got another jump, and then we finally got on the road. We didn't turn off the car until we got to DC, about 4 1/2 hours later. It was raining a lot the whole drive.
We still made it to a fun dinner with friends at Amy S's house, which was a very welcome stop at the end of a long day. And our car started when we left, so that's maybe a promising sign? Either way, we bought jumper cables and a battery powered jumper cable set too, so hopefully we can deal with more dead batteries.
2 reasons I am proud of my girls today:
1) A went swimming in the frigid lake this morning. She doens't seem to notice cold water! I don't know how she does it. She got Daddy to go in too, which he didn't want to do, but did anyway.
2) M drew this on the iPad this morning. It is an angel, someone pushing a stroller, and someone jumping rope.