Back in DC!

We are back in DC! And I have a lot to catch up on. Many photos, many stories. I don't think tonight will be my long wrap-up post, but I can say that we had a great week.

Our visit in NY was a lot of fun. We got to meet our new cousin Sydney, who is adorable and so tiny. Lots of fun time with our cousin Olivia and Aunt Deb as well, and a lovely seder with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron on Monday. NY was cold and rainy, but we had lots of indoor fun in Harrison and Brooklyn, just hanging out.

[Also a quick hello to Tracy in Scarsdale – a faithful P&B&B&B reader – hi Tracy! Hope you had a great time in St. Thomas.]

On Tuesday, we left for Florida. It was a looong day – woke up in NY, drove to Baltimore, flew to Tampa, and then drove to Gasparilla Island (2 hours from Tampa). But what a payoff – house on the beach, gorgeous weather, sunny blue skies, great ice cream, and such an easy pace. We did a house swap with a couple who has grandchildren in DC, and got their beautiful house for the rest of the week while they stayed here.

Lots of swimming. A few walks on the beach. Lots of ice cream. Many games of Memory. Much laughing and singing (by A, mostly).

Vacation was short and sweet and we are now back in DC, ready to start a new week. Girls are off tomorrow for another day, but we go back to work tomorrow morning.

Tonight, Grampy and Nana came by with some amazing Easter baskets. The girls love them!

Grandma Sandy also came over and hung out with the girls and sang them 10 goodnight songs tonight.

I promise some stories, LOTS of photos, and more in the days ahead.

1 comment

a says:

I’m glad you’re back. You were missed. How great that you had such a good time.
Aunt Ann

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