Back in DC

Well, we are home.

Here is the good news: A is feeling better today. Her fever spiked around 5 AM, but after she woke up for good at 7:30, it was much lower. We took her to the doctor on our way back into town, and she doesn't have strep or H1N1 (aka swine flu). So while it's such a bummer that she was sick this weekend, at least she doens't have anything serious. She will stay home for one more day and then hopefully return to school on Wednesday.

M had a great time yesterday at "Mary Poppins". Thanks so much to Grandpa Ron and Grandma Dina for taking her to see it.

Our drive home was uneventful. M, who clearly didn't have enough opportunity to blow off steam this weekend, was H-Y-P-E-R the whole day. Constant motion. She started hula-hooping when we got home, which perfectly crystallizes the mood she was today

Funny exchange at dinner:

M: "I have a speech to make! Ok: My mommy loves to go on the Twitter."

A: "That's the whole speech? It was pretty short."

M has also left a note for the Tooth Fairy to return the tooth that fell out a few weeks ago. It reads: "Dear Tooth Fairy: Please return my tooth. I love you. Love, M".

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