Back in the Saddle

We had a lovely dinner last night with Grampy, Nana and Emily. The food was wonderful and Emily made a very delicious cake in the pattern of an American flag. M had an enormous piece and ate every bite. A had a lot of fun with Nana reading Rapunzel. Today both girls are wearing braids like Rapunzel. One of their camp counselors told me that it was hard to tell them apart today because she usually goes by the curly/straight hair difference.

A different counselor asked me today if I was M & A’s mother. I said yes. She said, "You are very lucky. I have known these girls since last year, and they are just wonderful." Yes, I am very lucky. 🙂

Two funny things that M said yesterday:

  • She saw a photo of Rush Limbaugh on the cover of the NYT Magazine. She said, "Oooh… that looks like a very bad man. Is he?" Needless to say, Daddy confirmed her suspicions.
  • M was asking me questions about when she is a mommy (whether I will still be her mommy, etc.). Then she said, "When I have a baby, who is going to be the daddy?" I said, "Well, that’s a good question, M." She said, "I know, I think it’s going to be Grandpa Ron."

Here are some cute photos of M as well. The first two were taken when she was riding a pony at the end-of-the-year picnic. The next three are of M riding bareback in the backyard.

Mhorse1 Mhorse2

Trike1 Trike2 Trike3


Ron says:

Oy vey!!!

Anonymous says:

The photos are so cute, especially the ones of M riding bareback. I really enjoyed this blog with M’s question about who the daddy of her baby will be. So cute. M and A are so very mature for their four years, and so adorable.
Aunt Ann

Aunt Darrah says:

I loved this post and the photos. Hilarious about Grandpa Ron being the daddy!

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